Sporadic 'E' on 144 MHz in 2004 - A summary You are on May 14. Last update: May 23. 2004, 18:00 UT  
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May 14. - Twice but short
And again 50 MHz was wide open from early morning all across Europe and Near East with MUF's up to 110 MHz conncentrating above the Balkan region and Slovenia. BC from SV and TA was heard early in the morning in PA0 and G but nil on 144. There was a QSO in the cluster saying that G made LZ but that was a hoax. At the same time YU7 made EA6, surprise. The cloud moved slowly to southwest and at 09:35 MUF was reaching 144 MHz again bringing HB9, F and LZ into the game, but again pretty short. 
  144 Es May 14. 2004  
Comments | Logs | Reports | Audios To send your logs please use the Sporadic 'E' report sheet
HB9SJV, JN36bk
09.39 LZ2HN KN12qp
09.39 LZ5UV KN12pr
100w 11y Flexa 1000 asl

LZ2HM, KN12qp
09:36 HB9SJV 59/59 JN36BK
10:04 F1DUZ 59/59 IN97NJ
FT-847, 15el.DJ9BV

LZ5UV, KN12pr
09:38 HB9SJV JN36BK
73 de Evgeni

YU7BCL, KN05fw
08.51 EA6BB 59 59 JM19